Groupchat Golf in a Nutshell

Posted by Sonny on

  So you may be wondering what I am doing here other than making hilarious memes.  Well my goal is the same whether I’m making memes, writing a blog or recording a podcast. I want all the golfers out there to know that we are all the same. Plain and simple.

  I don’t care if you’re wearing Peter Millar, Dunning, Travis Mathew or that PGA brand that Marshall’s sells for like $12.99 a shirt. We. Are. All. The. Same. We are fiends for golf content. 95% of us LOVE Tiger Woods. Some of us may have grown up at our parents country clubs, some getting jobs at the course for free golf as soon as we were old enough, and some started golfing at 30 and will probably suck forever. It doesn’t matter. Golf is the greatest game ever created.

  If you’re reading this then you have the bug. And the bug doesn’t go away. I’m here to show you that the bug connects you with literally millions of people. Young, old, boys, girls. Golf is universal. And in my opinion, golf makes you better at life.

  So in a nutshell. I’m gonna keep it comical. I’m gonna give you people all kinds of content. I’m probably not going to worry about my grammar. I’m going to tell you who I think is going to win tournaments as if my opinion matters. Im gonna bow down to Tiger and talk about him every chance I get. And lastly I want to include you guys.

  If you want to write about golf send me something. A story from the course, a round, who you think is gonna win the masters, anything. I’ll put it up. I want this to be a place where everyone is included. There’s nothing like the golf camaraderie. Let’s grow the game one blog, meme, podcast and conversation at a time. Appreciate you all.

PS: My Waste Management Phoenix Open prediction is in. Sungjae Im. Kids a beast and he’s gonna be around for a while. Wish Charlie Hoffman would win every Waste Management Open tho. Just seems right.
