Apparent Hot Take Alert: Patrick Reed Edition

Posted by Sonny on

Ok so Patrick Reed. We will refer to him as Preed. I’m not a fan. Yes, the guys a stick. He can play. But to me you take a massive hit in the character department if you cheat in a PGA Tour event.

Improving your lie can easily lower your score. That’s taking money out of players pockets who are playing honestly. And honest golf is how you are taught to play from day 1. It’s what makes the sport so beautiful. Players self policing. Calling over a rules official if their ball moves one dimple. We’ve seen it countless times. A tour player doesn’t accidentally catch that much sand behind a ball in the bunker. If you can win The Masters you can avoid a clump of sand if you really want to. I don’t think he wanted to. Just my opinion.

We’ve heard people say golf needed a villain and now we have one. I’m sure Preed is a good guy. I’m sure I could sit down, have a beer and a good conversation with the guy. But I’d still bust his balls for cheating. I love to hate Preed and I will continue to do so. Just my two cents.

